face detection and aligh
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// caffe#include 
// c++#include
// opencv#include
// boost#include "boost/make_shared.hpp"#include
#define CPU_ONLYusing namespace caffe;using namespace std;typedef struct FaceRect { float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; float score; /**< Larger score should mean higher confidence. */} FaceRect;typedef struct FacePts { float x[5],y[5];} FacePts;typedef struct FaceInfo { FaceRect bbox; cv::Vec4f regression; FacePts facePts; double roll; double pitch; double yaw;} FaceInfo;class MTCNN { public: MTCNN(const string& proto_model_dir); void Detect(const cv::Mat& img, std::vector
&faceInfo, int minSize, double* threshold, double factor); private: bool CvMatToDatumSignalChannel(const cv::Mat& cv_mat, Datum* datum); void Preprocess(const cv::Mat& img, std::vector
* input_channels); void WrapInputLayer(std::vector
* input_channels,Blob
* input_layer, const int height,const int width); void SetMean(); void GenerateBoundingBox( Blob
* confidence,Blob
* reg, float scale,float thresh,int image_width,int image_height); void ClassifyFace(const std::vector
& regressed_rects,cv::Mat &sample_single, boost::shared_ptr
>& net,double thresh,char netName); void ClassifyFace_MulImage(const std::vector
&regressed_rects, cv::Mat &sample_single, boost::shared_ptr
>& net, double thresh, char netName); std::vector
& bboxes,float thresh,char methodType); void Bbox2Square(std::vector
& bboxes); void Padding(int img_w, int img_h); std::vector
&faceInfo_, int stage); void RegressPoint(const std::vector
& faceInfo); private: boost::shared_ptr
> PNet_; boost::shared_ptr
> RNet_; boost::shared_ptr
> ONet_; // x1,y1,x2,t2 and score std::vector
condidate_rects_; std::vector
total_boxes_; std::vector
regressed_rects_; std::vector
regressed_pading_; std::vector
crop_img_; int curr_feature_map_w_; int curr_feature_map_h_; int num_channels_;};// compare scorebool CompareBBox(const FaceInfo & a, const FaceInfo & b) { return a.bbox.score > b.bbox.score;}// methodType : u is IoU(Intersection Over Union)// methodType : m is IoM(Intersection Over Maximum)std::vector
& bboxes, float thresh,char methodType){ std::vector
bboxes_nms; std::sort(bboxes.begin(), bboxes.end(), CompareBBox); int32_t select_idx = 0; int32_t num_bbox = static_cast
(bboxes.size()); std::vector
mask_merged(num_bbox, 0); bool all_merged = false; while (!all_merged) { while (select_idx < num_bbox && mask_merged[select_idx] == 1) select_idx++; if (select_idx == num_bbox) { all_merged = true; continue; } bboxes_nms.push_back(bboxes[select_idx]); mask_merged[select_idx] = 1; FaceRect select_bbox = bboxes[select_idx].bbox; float area1 = static_cast
((select_bbox.x2-select_bbox.x1+1) * (select_bbox.y2-select_bbox.y1+1)); float x1 = static_cast
(select_bbox.x1); float y1 = static_cast
(select_bbox.y1); float x2 = static_cast
(select_bbox.x2); float y2 = static_cast
(select_bbox.y2); select_idx++; for (int32_t i = select_idx; i < num_bbox; i++) { if (mask_merged[i] == 1) continue; FaceRect& bbox_i = bboxes[i].bbox; float x = std::max
(x1, static_cast
(bbox_i.x1)); float y = std::max
(y1, static_cast
(bbox_i.y1)); float w = std::min
(x2, static_cast
(bbox_i.x2)) - x + 1; float h = std::min
(y2, static_cast
(bbox_i.y2)) - y + 1; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) continue; float area2 = static_cast
((bbox_i.x2-bbox_i.x1+1) * (bbox_i.y2-bbox_i.y1+1)); float area_intersect = w * h; switch (methodType) { case 'u': if (static_cast
(area_intersect) / (area1 + area2 - area_intersect) > thresh) mask_merged[i] = 1; break; case 'm': if (static_cast
(area_intersect) / std::min(area1 , area2) > thresh) mask_merged[i] = 1; break; default: break; } } } return bboxes_nms;}void MTCNN::Bbox2Square(std::vector
& bboxes){ for(int i=0;i
w ? h:w; bboxes[i].bbox.x1 += (h-side)*0.5; bboxes[i].bbox.y1 += (w-side)*0.5; bboxes[i].bbox.x2 = (int)(bboxes[i].bbox.x1 + side); bboxes[i].bbox.y2 = (int)(bboxes[i].bbox.y1 + side); bboxes[i].bbox.x1 = (int)(bboxes[i].bbox.x1); bboxes[i].bbox.y1 = (int)(bboxes[i].bbox.y1); }}std::vector
& faceInfo,int stage){ std::vector
bboxes; for(int bboxId =0;bboxId
= img_w) ? img_w : regressed_rects_[i].bbox.y2; tempFaceInfo.bbox.x2 = (regressed_rects_[i].bbox.x2 >= img_h) ? img_h : regressed_rects_[i].bbox.x2; tempFaceInfo.bbox.y1 = (regressed_rects_[i].bbox.y1 <1) ? 1 : regressed_rects_[i].bbox.y1; tempFaceInfo.bbox.x1 = (regressed_rects_[i].bbox.x1 <1) ? 1 : regressed_rects_[i].bbox.x1; regressed_pading_.push_back(tempFaceInfo); }}void MTCNN::GenerateBoundingBox(Blob
* confidence,Blob
* reg, float scale,float thresh,int image_width,int image_height){ int stride = 2; int cellSize = 12; int curr_feature_map_w_ = std::ceil((image_width - cellSize)*1.0/stride)+1; int curr_feature_map_h_ = std::ceil((image_height - cellSize)*1.0/stride)+1; //std::cout << "Feature_map_size:"<< curr_feature_map_w_ <<" "<
count()/2; const float* confidence_data = confidence->cpu_data(); confidence_data += count; const float* reg_data = reg->cpu_data(); condidate_rects_.clear(); for(int i=0;i
=thresh){ int y = i / curr_feature_map_w_; int x = i - curr_feature_map_w_ * y; float xTop = (int)((x*stride+1)/scale); float yTop = (int)((y*stride+1)/scale); float xBot = (int)((x*stride+cellSize-1+1)/scale); float yBot = (int)((y*stride+cellSize-1+1)/scale); FaceRect faceRect; faceRect.x1 = xTop; faceRect.y1 = yTop; faceRect.x2 = xBot; faceRect.y2 = yBot; faceRect.score = *(confidence_data+i); FaceInfo faceInfo; faceInfo.bbox = faceRect; faceInfo.regression = cv::Vec4f(reg_data[i+0*regOffset],reg_data[i+1*regOffset],reg_data[i+2*regOffset],reg_data[i+3*regOffset]); condidate_rects_.push_back(faceInfo); } }}MTCNN::MTCNN(const std::string &proto_model_dir){#ifdef CPU_ONLY Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::CPU);#else Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::GPU);#endif /* Load the network. */ PNet_.reset(new Net
((proto_model_dir+"/det1.prototxt"), TEST)); PNet_->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(proto_model_dir+"/det1.caffemodel"); CHECK_EQ(PNet_->num_inputs(), 1) << "Network should have exactly one input."; CHECK_EQ(PNet_->num_outputs(),2) << "Network should have exactly two output, one" " is bbox and another is confidence."; #ifdef CPU_ONLY RNet_.reset(new Net
((proto_model_dir+"/det2.prototxt"), TEST)); #else RNet_.reset(new Net
((proto_model_dir+"/det2_input.prototxt"), TEST)); #endif RNet_->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(proto_model_dir+"/det2.caffemodel");// CHECK_EQ(RNet_->num_inputs(), 0) << "Network should have exactly one input.";// CHECK_EQ(RNet_->num_outputs(),3) << "Network should have exactly two output, one"// " is bbox and another is confidence."; #ifdef CPU_ONLY ONet_.reset(new Net
((proto_model_dir+"/det3.prototxt"), TEST)); #else ONet_.reset(new Net
((proto_model_dir+"/det3_input.prototxt"), TEST)); #endif ONet_->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(proto_model_dir+"/det3.caffemodel");// CHECK_EQ(ONet_->num_inputs(), 1) << "Network should have exactly one input.";// CHECK_EQ(ONet_->num_outputs(),3) << "Network should have exactly three output, one"// " is bbox and another is confidence."; Blob
* input_layer; input_layer = PNet_->input_blobs()[0]; num_channels_ = input_layer->channels(); CHECK(num_channels_ == 3 || num_channels_ == 1) << "Input layer should have 1 or 3 channels.";}void MTCNN::WrapInputLayer(std::vector
* input_channels, Blob
* input_layer, const int height, const int width) { float* input_data = input_layer->mutable_cpu_data(); for (int i = 0; i < input_layer->channels(); ++i) { cv::Mat channel(height, width, CV_32FC1, input_data); input_channels->push_back(channel); input_data += width * height; }}void MTCNN::ClassifyFace(const std::vector
& regressed_rects,cv::Mat &sample_single, boost::shared_ptr
>& net,double thresh,char netName){ int numBox = regressed_rects.size(); Blob
* crop_input_layer = net->input_blobs()[0]; int input_channels = crop_input_layer->channels(); int input_width = crop_input_layer->width(); int input_height = crop_input_layer->height(); crop_input_layer->Reshape(1, input_channels, input_width, input_height); net->Reshape(); condidate_rects_.clear(); // load crop_img data to datum for(int i=0;i
channels; WrapInputLayer(&channels,net->input_blobs()[0],input_width,input_height); int pad_top = std::abs(regressed_pading_[i].bbox.x1 - regressed_rects[i].bbox.x1); int pad_left = std::abs(regressed_pading_[i].bbox.y1 - regressed_rects[i].bbox.y1); int pad_right = std::abs(regressed_pading_[i].bbox.y2 - regressed_rects[i].bbox.y2); int pad_bottom= std::abs(regressed_pading_[i].bbox.x2 - regressed_rects[i].bbox.x2); cv::Mat crop_img = sample_single(cv::Range(regressed_pading_[i].bbox.y1-1,regressed_pading_[i].bbox.y2), cv::Range(regressed_pading_[i].bbox.x1-1,regressed_pading_[i].bbox.x2)); cv::copyMakeBorder(crop_img,crop_img,pad_left,pad_right,pad_top,pad_bottom,cv::BORDER_CONSTANT,cv::Scalar(0)); cv::resize(crop_img,crop_img,cv::Size(input_width,input_height),0,0,cv::INTER_AREA); crop_img = (crop_img-127.5)*0.0078125; cv::split(crop_img,channels); CHECK(reinterpret_cast
(channels.at(0).data) == net->input_blobs()[0]->cpu_data()) << "Input channels are not wrapping the input layer of the network."; net->Forward(); int reg_id = 0; int confidence_id = 1; if(netName == 'o') confidence_id = 2; const Blob
* reg = net->output_blobs()[reg_id]; const Blob
* confidence = net->output_blobs()[confidence_id]; // ONet points_offset != NULL const Blob
* points_offset = net->output_blobs()[1]; const float* confidence_data = confidence->cpu_data() + confidence->count()/2; const float* reg_data = reg->cpu_data(); const float* points_data; if(netName == 'o') points_data = points_offset->cpu_data(); if(*(confidence_data) > thresh){ FaceRect faceRect; faceRect.x1 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.x1; faceRect.y1 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.y1; faceRect.x2 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.x2; faceRect.y2 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.y2 ; faceRect.score = *(confidence_data); FaceInfo faceInfo; faceInfo.bbox = faceRect; faceInfo.regression = cv::Vec4f(reg_data[0],reg_data[1],reg_data[2],reg_data[3]); // x x x x x y y y y y if(netName == 'o'){ FacePts face_pts; float w = faceRect.y2 - faceRect.y1 + 1; float h = faceRect.x2 - faceRect.x1 + 1; for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ face_pts.y[j] = faceRect.y1 + *(points_data+j) * h - 1; face_pts.x[j] = faceRect.x1 + *(points_data+j+5) * w -1; } faceInfo.facePts = face_pts; } condidate_rects_.push_back(faceInfo); } } regressed_pading_.clear();}// multi test image pass a forwardvoid MTCNN::ClassifyFace_MulImage(const std::vector
& regressed_rects,cv::Mat &sample_single, boost::shared_ptr
>& net,double thresh,char netName){ condidate_rects_.clear(); int numBox = regressed_rects.size(); std::vector
datum_vector; boost::shared_ptr
> mem_data_layer; mem_data_layer = boost::static_pointer_cast
>(net->layers()[0]); int input_width = mem_data_layer->width(); int input_height = mem_data_layer->height(); // load crop_img data to datum for(int i=0;i
set_batch_size(numBox); mem_data_layer->AddDatumVector(datum_vector); /* fire the network */ float no_use_loss = 0; net->Forward(&no_use_loss);// CHECK(reinterpret_cast
(crop_img_set.at(0).data) == net->input_blobs()[0]->cpu_data())// << "Input channels are not wrapping the input layer of the network."; // return RNet/ONet result std::string outPutLayerName = (netName == 'r' ? "conv5-2" : "conv6-2"); std::string pointsLayerName = "conv6-3"; const boost::shared_ptr
> reg = net->blob_by_name(outPutLayerName); const boost::shared_ptr
> confidence = net->blob_by_name("prob1"); // ONet points_offset != NULL const boost::shared_ptr
> points_offset = net->blob_by_name(pointsLayerName); const float* confidence_data = confidence->cpu_data(); const float* reg_data = reg->cpu_data(); const float* points_data; if(netName == 'o') points_data = points_offset->cpu_data(); for(int i=0;i
thresh){ FaceRect faceRect; faceRect.x1 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.x1; faceRect.y1 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.y1; faceRect.x2 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.x2; faceRect.y2 = regressed_rects[i].bbox.y2 ; faceRect.score = *(confidence_data+i*2+1); FaceInfo faceInfo; faceInfo.bbox = faceRect; faceInfo.regression = cv::Vec4f(reg_data[4*i+0],reg_data[4*i+1],reg_data[4*i+2],reg_data[4*i+3]); // x x x x x y y y y y if(netName == 'o'){ FacePts face_pts; float w = faceRect.y2 - faceRect.y1 + 1; float h = faceRect.x2 - faceRect.x1 + 1; for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ face_pts.y[j] = faceRect.y1 + *(points_data+j+10*i) * h - 1; face_pts.x[j] = faceRect.x1 + *(points_data+j+5+10*i) * w -1; } faceInfo.facePts = face_pts; } condidate_rects_.push_back(faceInfo); } }}bool MTCNN::CvMatToDatumSignalChannel(const cv::Mat& cv_mat, Datum* datum){ if (cv_mat.empty()) return false; int channels = cv_mat.channels(); datum->set_channels(cv_mat.channels()); datum->set_height(cv_mat.rows); datum->set_width(cv_mat.cols); datum->set_label(0); datum->clear_data(); datum->clear_float_data(); datum->set_encoded(false); int datum_height = datum->height(); int datum_width = datum->width(); if(channels == 3){ for(int c = 0;c < channels;c++){ for (int h = 0; h < datum_height; ++h){ for (int w = 0; w < datum_width; ++w){ const float* ptr = cv_mat.ptr
(h); datum->add_float_data(ptr[w*channels+c]); } } } } return true;}void MTCNN::Detect(const cv::Mat& image,std::vector
& faceInfo,int minSize,double* threshold,double factor){ // 2~3ms // invert to RGB color space and float type cv::Mat sample_single,resized; image.convertTo(sample_single,CV_32FC3); cv::cvtColor(sample_single,sample_single,cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); sample_single = sample_single.t(); int height = image.rows; int width = image.cols; int minWH = std::min(height,width); int factor_count = 0; double m = 12./minSize; minWH *= m; std::vector
scales; while (minWH >=24) { scales.push_back(m * std::pow(factor,factor_count)); minWH *= factor; ++factor_count; } // 11ms main consum Blob
* input_layer = PNet_->input_blobs()[0]; for(int i=0;i
Reshape(1, 3, hs, ws); PNet_->Reshape(); std::vector
input_channels; WrapInputLayer(&input_channels,PNet_->input_blobs()[0],hs,ws); cv::split(resized,input_channels); // check data transform right CHECK(reinterpret_cast
(input_channels.at(0).data) == PNet_->input_blobs()[0]->cpu_data()) << "Input channels are not wrapping the input layer of the network."; PNet_->Forward(); // return result Blob
* reg = PNet_->output_blobs()[0]; //const float* reg_data = reg->cpu_data(); Blob
* confidence = PNet_->output_blobs()[1]; GenerateBoundingBox(confidence, reg, scale, threshold[0],ws,hs); std::vector
bboxes_nms = NonMaximumSuppression(condidate_rects_,0.5,'u'); total_boxes_.insert(total_boxes_.end(),bboxes_nms.begin(),bboxes_nms.end()); } int numBox = total_boxes_.size(); if(numBox != 0){ total_boxes_ = NonMaximumSuppression(total_boxes_,0.7,'u'); regressed_rects_ = BoxRegress(total_boxes_,1); total_boxes_.clear(); Bbox2Square(regressed_rects_); Padding(width,height); /// Second stage #ifdef CPU_ONLY ClassifyFace(regressed_rects_,sample_single,RNet_,threshold[1],'r'); #else ClassifyFace_MulImage(regressed_rects_,sample_single,RNet_,threshold[1],'r'); #endif condidate_rects_ = NonMaximumSuppression(condidate_rects_,0.7,'u'); regressed_rects_ = BoxRegress(condidate_rects_,2); Bbox2Square(regressed_rects_); Padding(width,height); /// three stage numBox = regressed_rects_.size(); if(numBox != 0){ #ifdef CPU_ONLY ClassifyFace(regressed_rects_,sample_single,ONet_,threshold[2],'o'); #else ClassifyFace_MulImage(regressed_rects_,sample_single,ONet_,threshold[2],'o'); #endif regressed_rects_ = BoxRegress(condidate_rects_,3); faceInfo = NonMaximumSuppression(regressed_rects_,0.7,'m'); } } regressed_pading_.clear(); regressed_rects_.clear(); condidate_rects_.clear();}cv::Mat getwarpAffineImg(cv::Mat &src,cv::Point2f leftEye,cv::Point2f rightEye){ //计算两眼中心点,按照此中心点进行旋转, 第31个为左眼坐标,36为右眼坐标 cv:: Point2f eyesCenter = cv::Point2f( (leftEye.x + rightEye.x) * 0.5f, (leftEye.y + rightEye.y) * 0.5f ); // 计算两个眼睛间的角度 double dy = (rightEye.y - leftEye.y); double dx = (rightEye.x - leftEye.x); double angle = atan2(dy, dx) * 180.0/CV_PI; // Convert from radians to degrees. //由eyesCenter, andle, scale按照公式计算仿射变换矩阵,此时1.0表示不进行缩放 cv::Mat rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D(eyesCenter, angle, 1.0); // 进行仿射变换,变换后大小为src的大小 cv::Mat rot; warpAffine(src, rot, rot_mat, src.size()); //imwrite("rot.jpg",rot); return rot;}int main(int argc,char **argv){ double threshold[3] = {0.6,0.7,0.7}; double factor = 0.709; int minSize = 40; std::string proto_model_dir = "caffe/examples/MTSrc/MTmodel";//模型存放位置包括三个.prototxt和三个.model std::string pic_root_dir = "pic/";//人脸数据集的位置 std::string ffp_root_dir = "./" MTCNN detector(proto_model_dir); //读取列表对每个图像进行处理 ifstream fin("dataset/lfw_all.list");//人脸数据集的列表 string img_path; ofstream outfile;//保存图像及其信息的文件 outfile.open("result.txt"); while(getline(fin,img_path)) { cv::Mat image0 = cv::imread(pic_root_dir + img_path); cout<
faceInfo; std::cout <<"Detect "<
=1){ face_num = 1; }else{ face_num = -1; } //描述五官的位置 cv::Mat warped_img; for(int i=0;i


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